Live in Enkhuizen
In 2017, I travelled the furthest ever for my music, to a town called Enkhuizen in the Netherlands. It was the last show of my European tour that year, which included a performance televised to 4 million households in Germany, and I stood at the water’s edge, thinking how fortunate I am.
Just like any tour, this trip was definitely a learning experience with its good and bad points. But in that moment, all the stress just melted away, leaving only the satisfaction that I did pretty well, even by my personal standards. I felt grateful that we made it to every venue on time (thanks Deutsche Bahn!), and no one was injured or fell ill.
It was a beautiful place to finish the Terrible Luck tour. I mean, check out the view! I wish I could live somewhere like this in the future.
Recorded by the lovely people at Lakeside Stories, then mixed and mastered by yours truly, I'm happy to finally share with you select tracks from that significant moment. They are released as an exclusive for my subscribers on Bandcamp, so join us over there to get these tracks and more!
I hope these songs will help you feel hope. After all, if this old boy can have his music take him halfway across the world, you can believe that your dreams can come true too =) Peace.
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