In 2017, I travelled the furthest ever for my music, to a town called Enkhuizen in the Netherlands. It was the last show of my European tour that year, which included a performance televised to 4 million households in Germany, and I stood at the water’s edge, thinking how fortunate I am.
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Performing music is a relatively safe process. You get to a venue, do your soundcheck, have a small dinner, pour your heart out for an hour or more and receive love from your audience in return. Then there are the other nights, when trouble will find me.
Before memory fades, here are a few interesting stories from the years of performing.
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It’s been several months since the Terrible Luck tour wrapped up. Though I definitely learnt a lot on this tour, it wasn’t easy to form those thoughts into precise words.
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I wrote this article on touring overseas back in 2015. It was wonderfully edited by Daniel Peters and subsequently published by Bandwagon and Red Bull. I'd like to thank Daniel for giving me the opportunity then, it was a great experience working with him :)
Though it's been a few years since, I believe that its contents still have some relevance today and would be of help to any musician aspiring to tour outside of their home country.
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